
Embedding Tech in Passion and future


This is how you should look at it:

Society is not a good enough yardstick to determine how you live, what career paths you choose to follow, and what you decide to believe.

But here is one truth: whatever decisions make, remember that “you get to live with it here, in the same society!”.

Let’s focus a bit more on your career journey: If you choose to study let’s say Accounting in college and you realize that society needs Marketers, would it not be a wise decision to switch a little to suit society’s demand?

Reality check has it for a fact that technology is the future of work and if anyone intends to make it alive in that future, they should do well to embed tech in whatever choices they make based on their career paths.

It is not an instruction, it is just a non-negotiable fact!

Ladies, you won’t matter even in the next 10,000 years if you do not invest in the future you want to see!

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