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Cohort 2 of Full Stack Web Development programming

“In some ways, programming is like painting. You start with a blank canvas and certain basic raw materials. You use a combination of science, art, and craft to determine what to do with them.”-Andrew Hunt At the same time, it is fun, collaborative, creative, and insightful.You get the opportunity to process thoughts faster, think critically […]

More women in tech!

Two great benefits of having more women in the tech industry are innovation and learning. Having teams made up from different walks of life showcasing different experiences and perspectives results in an intersection of varied ideas and solutions, says Sandra Teh, Chief Culture Officer, APJC at Amazon Web Services. A team that lacks innovation obviously […]

Call For Applications!

Our doors are now open to receiving your applications for Cohort 2 of our Full-Stack Web Development BootCamp!!! If you want to become a part of the next generation of Full-Stack Web Developers,here is your chance! Apply for our cohort 2 intensive BootCamp training and become a Full-Stack Web Developer in just 3months! Apply now […]

How to create a unique identity as a woman in Tech!

HOW TO CREATE YOUR UNIQUE IDENTITY AS A WOMAN IN TECH! Every sector in life carries a unique identity. Tech is an identity on its own but under that umbrella are segments that provide everyone the opportunity to create for themselves a unique brand identity. There is just so many women can leverage in the […]

Women in Tech in Cameroon

Women in tech in Cameroon! Of the 17 UN sustainable development goals, goal 5 happens to be arguably the most renowned which talks about “gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”. 7 out of 10 problems faced worldwide usually surround women and the girl child advocacy. This doesn’t rule out when it […]

Building Business Trust

Building Business TRUST! Trust is an important component of innovation and business sustainability. It is the very basis of our social and business relationships since business has to do with people. Trust has no direct relationship with a product or service but is aided by those running the business and how well they relate with […]

Finding your Unique route in tech

There is no one route to getting into tech these days. Any and everyone anywhere can find themselves in whatever sphere of interest in the tech space. All you have to lay your hands on is your niche. Your niche is your unique selling point. It is what you do differently from others. You would […]

Workplace performance

Workplace Performance. While salary increase is arguably the biggest motivating factor to push an employee to efficiency elasticity, over boarding the profit margin is the most consoling factor for every employer. Such is the drive of workplace performance! Performance in the workplace is a major driver of influence: It is very usual to hear bosses […]

Technology and Innovation!

Technology and Innovation Technology is the melting pot of every innovation on planet earth! Technological innovation is what propels every business to move forward: It is the driving force of entrepreneurship. As we move in and out of seasons, year after year, innovation becomes all the more an inherent part of our tech careers as […]

Technological positioning for business dominance

Technological Positioning for Business Dominance. The number one factor to kick your skill-set out of the business world is the lack of technological positioning. There is really no way to make it to the global scene if you cannot make it to the “online space” (Read that again)! Making it to the online space(creating visibility) […]

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