
How to start your career in tech with a simple plan.

A happy new week Data girls and boys!

“We are in the second month of the year of January” lol, well not for everyone!

It is a goal-setting Monday and all you have to focus your energy on this week is to ensure that you have your week planned out, geared towards smashing your goals.

Wondering how to induce tech as a student, intern, or worker this year?

One way to get onboard is to dedicate an hour daily, be it in the morning, afternoon, or late at night to learn something new in tech.

For example, I can decide that every 4-5 am, I am learning something in java.

As a beginner, you can engage in watching lots of videos and reading lots of tech-related articles to get acquainted with the language.

You will be amazed at where you will be in the next 6months with codes if you practice what you learn in just an hour each day!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with an action step!


